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Showing posts from July, 2018

Happy Family

Barbara Bush famously said, “to us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there”. I am one of nine kids in my family and although there are so many of us in my family, my parents still take care every one of us. It is so important to show physical love and it is so important to be there for your children.       In “The Family Castle” Nancy Rakovsky writes,“The family castle is now your home, The stones grow ever stronger, For the castle's built on love and hope, Alone you are no longer.” This is a mother welcoming her son into the castle , which in her mind makes the castle grow ever stronger. It is obvious that this mother is so happy to welcome her son into her  “castle built on love and hope”. The mother’s love for her son increases and the love between them grows ever stronger She ends the stanza with the idea that he would never feel alone because she will always be there for him no matter what.    On the other hand, in The Glass Castle, we read “I was

The Tanganyika Lake

      We all have moments in our lives that we will never forget, the moment that makes I am that person who always wants to learn new things. When I want to know about something I do not wait until someone shows or teaches me. And all that is because of him. He told me “don't ever wait until they show you, do it first then ask for help if needed”        When I was twelve  years old, I lived with my grandparents because they were living by themselves so they asked my parents if I could stay with them. I loved it, because they’d give me anything I wanted, and all they wanted was for me to feel loved by them.      As the only child living with them I had to do almost nothing myself. I didn’t have to clean my own room, clothes, shoes or to make my own bed. They even fed me. I loved them very  much. I never wanted to go home.     But my mother wanted to live closer to her parents so my family decided to move, and when they did they moved closer to lake Tanganyika, one of

The Sunlight

    Light is an important element that many people don’t notice. Anything beautiful needs light in order to shine or to reflect. Light can be used to catch people’s attention. I was in the Beinecki and when I looked around the  walls I saw the light from the sun outside. Beautiful lightning danced around the walls. The walls are made of diamond shapes ….describe rather than tell us you like them.      When I looked to the center I saw plenty of books. Old  books. The most interesting books to read from all the good writers around the world. All the books were concentrated in the middle of the Beinecki.  I wanted to touch them but “DO NOT TOUCH” . The books were surrounded by a beautiful clear glass so you can’t get near them unless you have permission. But I do not.     When I looked behind me I saw brown comfortable sofas and a little white table next to each sofa. I said to myself “ Yess! I can’t leave this beautiful building without sitting on those beautiful sofas” and ye

He Made It

  Congratulations to the class of 2023! Today is your day, you maaade it!! This is the day that you were all waiting for…..the day that we were all dreaming about. You will all soon face challenges you had never expected. But there is something that we must never forget in our lives, the only person  you should try to be is the person better than you were yesterday.     I will never stop digging into my past, I was in my room reading my favorite book of all the time “ Unforgettable Night” written by Aime. I suddenly heard a voice calling my name aloud. It was my little brother Stiven I hated it when he called me by name, I always tell him to call me “kaka” which means big brother in Swahili.   I went downstairs and saw my dad with a young boy of my age. He introduced himself as Jack, to me it sounded like “Paka”,  which means “cat” . Dad said Jack was my cousin and he was coing to live with us for a few days. Jack’s father died when he was three years old.  He lived with hi

The Path

Jack was a young boy whose father died when he was just three years old. He lived with his mother. Life was not easy for them because his mother was disabled, she could not work or do any hard labor. Before Jack’s father died he left a little money so his son could get an education. Ten years later when Jack was 13 years old he lost his mother. so he went to live with his uncle. His uncle had a wife and two kids. Jack's new family, including his uncle, disliked Jack. A year later Jack stopped going to school because his uncle did not want to pay for his education. Jack's uncle said “ I rather waste all my money for nothing than educate a child who is not mine. Wasting money is better than that”. Due to a stony life Jack started to work at 14 years old so that he could feed himself and pay for his education. As a 14 year old young boy he could not cope with the challenge of taking care of himself and his education. He couldn’t handle it so he decided stop

A New World

Imagine entering a place where your eyes are open but you cannot see, your ears are hearing but you cannot understand and your lips are moving but you cannot speak. That’s how I felt when I first entered  high school in America. Everything I faced was new - moving from class to class, bells ringing , standing in the line for lunch . I felt like I was dreaming. I also felt like it was going too fast, especially the teaching and the talking, the walking in the hallway, watching them staring at me and then laughing loudly . In my freshman year I was placed in ESL ( English as a Second Language) classes. It was Monday morning during second period. As ESL students we were told to make a conversation with a native English speaker to practice our English pronunciation. One of the African-American students picked me to talk to.    "Hi!” I said, “My name is Heri, what is your name?"    “My name is Abigail,” she said.    “How old are you?” she asked.    “I am

My First Impression of Yale

When I first thought about Yale, what came to my mind was that Yale was one of the largest universities in the United States and the whole world. I didn’t know that Yale has something more important than just being the top university. Yale has the strongest community. Everywhere I walk I see groups of six to ten people walking together which I usually don’t see in any other universities. Also students at Yale are so helpful which is something that I am so impressed with. The way they help others no matter who you are, where you are from, or what language you speak. All they do is welcome you with a beautiful smile on their faces and accept you as one of their family. Have you ever left your family for a while, then you came back after everyone missed you so much and all they ever wanted was to see you again? Have you seen how happy they are when they see you again ? All they will do is to make sure you feel loved. That’s how I felt when I first entered Yale. I never