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Happy Family

Barbara Bush famously said, “to us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there”. I am one of nine kids in my family and although there are so many of us in my family, my parents still take care every one of us. It is so important to show physical love and it is so important to be there for your children.
      In “The Family Castle” Nancy Rakovsky writes,“The family castle is now your home,
The stones grow ever stronger, For the castle's built on love and hope, Alone you are no longer.”
This is a mother welcoming her son into the castle , which in her mind makes the castle grow ever stronger. It is obvious that this mother is so happy to welcome her son into her  “castle built on love and hope”. The mother’s love for her son increases and the love between them grows ever stronger She ends the stanza with the idea that he would never feel alone because she will always be there for him no matter what.
   On the other hand, in The Glass Castle, we read “I was wearing the dress to cook hot dogs, watching them swell and bob in the boiling water as the-morning sunlight filtered in through the trailer’s small kitchenette window”  Jeannette was only three years old cooking hot dogs by herself alone in the kitchen, “I could hear Mom in the next room singing while she worked on one of her paintings.” Jeannette’s mother is not showing her daughter physical love or even physical support. On the contrary she is being reckless. She is not leading her daughter but instead she is expecting and allowing her to cook for herself. Instead of being there for her she is leaving her alone while she is singing and painting on the other side of the house. She is a selfish and careless mother.

It is obvious that the mother in “The Family Castle” was demonstrative and attentive about her child all she did was to recept her child happily and create a strong love between them. And because she cared about her child she swear to never live him alone again, different from “The Glass Castle” where the age of three young girl Jeannette was ignored by her mother . A type of a mother who would expense the painting more than her own child. and you can build castles in air of  how companionless Jeannette felt.
It’s very important for the parents to build love a solid love with their child since they are still young. Slow down and savor the moment with them. Every child needs love from their parent, they need them to show up every time they need them.                            


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