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The Path

Jack was a young boy whose father died when he was just three years old. He lived with his mother. Life was not easy for them because his mother was disabled, she could not work or do any hard labor. Before Jack’s father died he left a little money so his son could get an education. Ten years later when Jack was 13 years old he lost his mother. so he went to live with his uncle. His uncle had a wife and two kids. Jack's new family, including his uncle, disliked Jack. A year later Jack stopped going to school because his uncle did not want to pay for his education. Jack's uncle said “ I rather waste all my money for nothing than educate a child who is not mine. Wasting money is better than that”. Due to a stony life Jack started to work at 14 years old so that he could feed himself and pay for his education. As a 14 year old young boy he could not cope with the challenge of taking care of himself and his education. He couldn’t handle it so he decided stop school and continue working so that he can get something to eat. It was Monday, January 25th, and there was a heavy rain, so he couldn’t get out of his house to go to work. The next day, on the 26th, he lost his job because he didn’t show up the last day. The only thing left for him was hope. Jack had to be positive about everything that had happened in his life, losing his parents , education and job. He lived a miserable life, and although his uncle and his family disliked him, he stayed positive in all ways. All he wanted was a better life for his uncle’s family. Five years later Jack was taken by the immigration of Australia because of the fact that he had no parents. He had to leave his uncle and his family in Madagascar, his home and where he was born. When he got to Australia he had many opportunities in education and work and he eventually became a bank manager. He shared his story with many people and His story made a major impression on everyone who listened to him. It influenced people to be positive and forgiving. Every time he gives the speech he doesn’t forget to say “We all have this path that we go through but in order to overcome the challenges we have to be humble and patient” Jack’s path made many people realize that there are so many individuals who go through tragedies, but continue to remain positive and forgiving. After all this time he did not forgot his uncle and his cousins. His uncle was so old and he couldn’t afford to pay for his kid’s higher education .Jack contacted his cousins and paid for them to attend university in Australia.


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